There are many options that may help you

At this point in time there are no ‘cures’ for this condition. However, there are MANY options to help manage it and each person must find the best choice, mostly through trial and error. We are going to list here, on this page, treatments that have been reported to the MA as potential options. Be very careful to do your own research prior to using these methods, but know that you are not alone as thousands of others are also trying out many different approaches to finding help for misophonia. To date, there are no reports of any peer reviewed scientific research studies that have been published that document any treatment option. There are plenty of anecdotal and quasi-official reports of success, but we must be cautious and evaluate using good sense and recommendations.

There are three main types of therapies in the world, really. Psychological (Counseling or Mental Health), Physiological (Mechanical) and Pharmaceutical (drugs). The MA cannot endorse or promote any particular therapy but in this section, we will provide a listing of types of treatments that are being tried and reported.




Behavioral Management



Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

Polyvagal Theory


Acoustic Therapies from Audiologists including various sound generating devicesNeurobiofeedback, very positive reports from some
Alpha Stim
Chiropractic Adjustment
GAPS diet use

Lifestyle changes that can help

Exercise (frequent and vigorous)
Dietary changes (healthy, vitamin rich)
Sleep (regular, keep a rhythmic schedule)
Using sound protection as warranted (head sets, iPods, earplugs, ambient sound makers)
Home re-arrangement to foster quiet in certain parts of the house, safe-spots.
Meet up groups to support one another
Planning happy events that do not include eating or close, quiet settings; instead, go bowling, biking, etc.
Family counseling to help with boundaries, understanding, supportive actions
Using your American Disabilities Act Protection rights to accommodation on the job and in school


At this point in time, we have only anecdotal reports of improvement related to various medications.  It does appear that drugs that are aimed at anti-anxiety or anti-OCD conditions may have some positive effect on misophonia but this remains to be verified in studies and medication trials.


*If you have something you would like to suggest for us to add to this list, please email us at