

Tickets available NOW for adults and teens!

What we do

Defining misophonia is our mission. Assisting in the process of defining the condition is a huge effort in our endeavor, along with assisting those with the condition to find helpful effective management approaches. Providing a venue for support and awareness is another goal and we also try to raise funds with donations to provide to significant researchers who are hot on the trail of finding out all about this distressing disorder.


Helping the world understand what Misophonia is, is our mission. We provide education through our ever-growing list of presenters on the latest research in the field of Misophonia. 


We stick up for you in your battle with Misophonia.  You are not alone in your struggles and we are here to lend a helping hand.


Along with education the Misophonia Association helps to fund research in the field of Misophonia with help from our donors and sales of the videos of the conventions. 


Above all we are here to support people who suffer with Misophonia.  We also support families and others in this situation.  You can find tremendous resources in our recorded video section from the past conventions from experts in the field.


Join us in Atlanta, GA from November 1-3 for the 2024 Misophonia Association Annual Convention where you can

Discover, Connect, and Learn.

Dive into a world tailored specifically for our community, offering rich insights, shared experiences, and groundbreaking knowledge.

With tracks for adults and teens, our convention is a place that welcomes Misophones and their supporters, no matter the age.

“I went to my first misophonia convention when I was 16, and it was the first time I ever met anyone else who had misophonia. I’ve become more involved as I’ve gotten older, and I am so lucky to have found a community that not only seeks to understand my misophonia but also who I am outside of it. The misophonia convention changed my life.

-Ellie Rapp, Misophonia Convention Attendee


Days until next Misophonia Convention









Our next Q&A speaker will be announced soon!

KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN for more information about our upcoming 19th Exclusive All-Access Member’s Live Q&A soon!

You can sign-up for the membership and then you’ll be able to register for each event. The All-Access Membership also gives you exclusive access to all future live events, all replays, plus all previous Misophonia Convention Videos (8 years+).

Special offers for Misophonia Convention Videos!

Purchase the

9-year bundle

Now on sale for $129 (valued more than $500)

Become an All-Access

Monthly Member

ENTER THIS COUPON CODE at checkout: newby2023

Now on sale for $9 per month (normally $11 per month)

All the conventions at your fingertips

All of the conventions are recorded and bundled together for your viewing for eternity. From the very first convention to the most recent information. Help support the Misophonia-Association and check out the collections in the link below. 

This collection of videos from our past annual Misophonia Association Conventions features the combined brain power of the best doctors and researchers that specialize in Misophonia Research and Treatment. As the conventions continue to grow, most importantly so does the knowledge and cutting-edge methods and technology to bring treatment for misophonia closer to a reality.

Creating a space for experts and the people that they can help.

Statistics up to the last conference 2022


Expert speakers


Cups Of Coffee drunk silently

Latest Research

“Mimicry in Misophonia: A Large-Scale Survey of Prevalence and Relationship with Trigger Sounds”

The data of these researchers show that mimicry is highly prevalent in misophonia and has beneficial effects in terms of reducing misophonic distress. Its behavioral and social implications and the underlying brain mechanisms need to be investigated in future work.

Article by Paris A. Ash, Ester Benzaquén, Phillip E. Gander, Joel I. Berger, Sukhbinder Kumar

[Journal of Clinical Psychology], October 2023

Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and are not necessarily reflective of the Misophonia Association.


You can now peruse all the other monthly research articles that have been previously shared in the “New Research” section by going to Collection of Research Articles from our “New Research” articles section.


“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.”                                   

– Oscar Wilde


Reach us by email:  [email protected]

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Latest Information

Please continue to join us in our steady and mindful journey towards unbiased knowledge, effective treatment and a potential cure for misophonia. The Misophonia Association is funded with volunteer effort and donated time and funds. Our non-profit association’s goals and mission include Education, Advocacy, Research, and Support.